Close Caltex Blocked Mass

Jumat, 22 Mei 2009

Pekanbaru, Kompas - At least 7,200 barrels of oil and 28 million cubic feet natural gas produced from the facility failed central processing gas (Gas Plant) Pinang owned PT Caltex Pacific Indonesia (CPI) in the area Kubu, District of Rokan Hilir, Riau, due to refinery closures and gas is by a group of people since Monday (17 / 2) until Thursday. Closing the refinery and gas occurs due to disappointment at the condition of local road that connects the area Pinang factory with Simpang Kubu, Bangko, in Rokan Hilir regency, with a length of about 40 kilometers.

In the description presented in Pekanbaru, on Thursday, Team Manager of Communication & Media Relations PT CPI Hanafi Kadir penyesalannya to disclose the events of the central processing facility that gas Pinang. He rate, closing the refinery and gas occurs because a group of citizens to protest the party CPI segment Jalan Pinang improve it.

"Closing this has happened since Monday by a group of people is not responsible, amounting to around 400 people. Anarchic act has hurt the state and society Riau with the loss of production of 1800 barrels of oil and 7 million cubic feet of gas equivalent to 1,150 barrels of oil per day . Action is not sympathetic to the still ongoing at this time. However, we still will not meet the application in ways like that, "said Hanafi.

According to the Hanafi, as long as this assistance has been provided by Caltex to the local community. However, there are indications that the assistance had been misused for the benefit of individuals or particular groups of people. "In fact, there are a number of individual who constantly make extortion or oppression of the CPI for personal benefit," said Hanafi.

Jalan Pinang, which is the source of the problem, extends about 40 km from Simpang Kubu, Bangko, central processing area until gas Pinang. Road has been regularly maintained by CPI, but at this time is in serious condition in which damaged several ruasnya. Damage is estimated to occur due maraknya activities Balak trucks haul the log truck and an oil palm plantation in the area.

"In accordance with the request some time ago, the CPI decided to improve the road that is damaged. But at the time of manufacture, found many obstacles that can potentially disrupt the continuity and security improvements to the road," said Hanafi.

At the time of road improvements to be done, according to Hanafi, vehicle weight and hold it through the broken road are repaired, and this is the case. More ironic, again, at the Caltex implement improvements to the way that individual people-person who is using the momentum to extort a partner of the CPI that are working there.

However, more Hanafi, the successful merampungkan repair two of the three joint Jalan Pinang heavily damaged, that is, in the 8 km and 11 km since 11 February 2003 ago. Even at this time, the CPI central processing contracts for road repairs in the 21 Km. "Tools are already mobilized to start on Tuesday since the location yesterday, and is expected to start full operation next Monday," said Hanafi again.

As is known, PT CPI is a partner and operator Pertamina exploration and development, business agreement under the Production Sharing Contractors (KPS), working in 4 areas of production in the province of Riau.

Meanwhile, on different occasion, the Head Office of The (Kadispen) Polda Riau purpose Commissioner of Police (AKP) S Pandiangan said, Polda Riau not get official information about these events. However, he asserts, in handling cases of vital facilities such akan directly by the local police, in this case by Rokan Hilir police station along with Polsek below.
"To date, at 16:00, Thursday, we have not received an official report of the Caltex and from local police. However, the standard has become standard in the police that, to handle such events will be handled by local police, as soon as possible," said Pandiangan. (OIN)

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